泛股制作为一种新型的现代企业组织形式 ,不仅在当今世界上发达国家广泛流行 ,而且近年来在我国企业改制中也得到了普遍的实施 ,并取得了明显的成效。本文分析了泛股制实施中出现的几方面的问题 ,并提出了颇有见地的对策及改进措施 。
Pan stock system, as a new typed form in orgonizing contemporary enterprises, is popular not only among the developed countries all over the world,but also has been widely carried out in the enterprise system reformation in our country. This essay makes an analysis on the problems appeared in course of the practice and puts forward some strategems and inproving measures for them.It have certain meaning to guide the present reformation of enterprise property owning system.
Journal of Anyang Normal University