为了研究脑血管疾病患者血清维生素B1 2 和叶酸检测的临床意义 ,用放射免疫分析法测定 3 2例脑血管疾病患者血清VitB1 2 和叶酸的水平。结果发现 ,叶酸在所有观察组中变化无显著差异 ;多脑梗塞痴呆组VitB1 2 水平 (2 17.2± 13 5 .9pmol/L)明显低于脑梗塞组 (4 16.1± 184.9pmol/L)和脑出血组 (4 5 8.4± 12 7.4pmol/L) ;瘫痪肌力为 0 -Ⅲ级者VitB1 2 水平较低。因此VitB1 2
To study the clinical value of serum vitamin B 12 and folate in cerebrovascular disease, the concentration of serum vitamin B 12 and folate in 32 patients with cerebrovascular disease was measured by radioimmunoassay. The results showed that the changes in folate in all groups weren′t significant. The content of vitamin B 12 in multiinfarct dementia was markedly lower than that in cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. Moreover, the level of vitamin B 12 was lower in paralytic patients with muscular strength of grade 0-Ⅲ. It can be concluded that serum vitamin B 12 level had association with intelligent disorder and paralytic degree.
Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine