目的 :研究足月产、早产及过期产孕妇血浆中促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素 ( CRH )水平的变化 ,探讨应用 CRH预测早产的价值。 方法 :门诊产科检查孕妇 2 0 0例 ,从孕 2 8周起至分娩 ,每间隔 2周取血浆 1次 ,标本用甲醇提取法处理后 ,通过放免测定观察血浆中 CRH水平变化。 结果 :孕 2 8周起血浆 CRH水平 [( 3 7.4 5± 8.5 0 ) pg/ m l]呈进行性升高 ,孕晚期升高[( 160 .2 5± 14 .5 9) pg/ m l]显著 ,分娩达最高峰 [( 5 70 .5 4± 4 7.91) pg/ ml];孕 2 8周起血浆中 CRH水平在早产及过期产中即出现异常升高或降低 ( P<0 .0 1) ;孕 2 8周时血浆中 CRH水平与妊娠持续时间呈负相关。结论 :血浆 CRH水平是妊娠持续时间的标志 ,孕 2 8周血浆 CRH水平可预测最终早产的发生。
Objective: To study the change of placental corticotropin releasing hormone level in pregnant women entering spontaneous labor at term and preterm or posterm,and to investigate the value of CRH as an indicator of preterm labor. Methods: Subjects( n =200) were recruited to the study at their antenatal visits,and plasma samples were obtained at their routine antental clinic visits from 28 weeks to parturition at 2 weeks intervals.CRH were measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: CRH concentrations rose significantly as pregnancy developed and reached the highest level at delivery. Plasma CRH levels were significantly higher in preterm labor and lower in postterm labor after gestational 28 weeks( P <0.05).Plasma CRH levels at 28 weeks correlated with pregnancy period. Conclusion: Plasma CRH level is the marker of the length of gestation,and plasma CRH level can predict the parturition time.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39670 75 7
39870 30 0 ) .