在西方发展经济学界 ,结构主义思路历来被当做西方主流经济学派——新古典学派的主要论敌来看待。这一思路反对以发达国家社会经济结构为分析背景的新古典主义经济学理论传统 ,主张创立一种新的适合于分析发展中国家社会经济结构的理论思路。本文对这一思路的理论框架做了述评 ,所侧重的时段为战后初期 ;分析了这一思路近年来对发展经济学的新进展所施加的影响。本文中的“思路 (approach)”一词被表述为论证经济发展问题的一种理论范式 (paradigm) ,包括基本理论要素、假设系统及分析方法。
In the area of development economics, the structuralist approach has been seen as the main opponent in the debate against the mainstream school of neoclassical economics. After the World War II, a group of development economists adopted a realistic attitude toward the less-developed countries and thereby paid special attention to characteristics of economic and social structures in the underdeveloped world. The structuralist approach has dominated the area of development economics for more than twenty years and influenced many developing countries after the World War II. Today, such an approach still holds a strong position affecting the thinking of development economics.
The Journal of World Economy