《中华人民共和国公司法》在其实施的七年多时间里 ,对我国的经济发展起到了重要作用。但毋庸讳言 ,其部分条文设计的先天不足及指导思想的偏差 ,使得它与时代的要求还存在着一定的差距。本文从公司的设立条件、独资公司的取舍与规范、公司的治理结构以及如何在公司法中加强诉讼保护等方面 ,对公司法的修改与完善提出了相应的建议 。
The Company Law of PRC has been playing an important role since it was put into effect in 1994. However, it is indubitable that it can't meet the demands of society becauce of its drawbacks and other causes. This article analyses the requirements for the establishments of company,the regulations of sole-owned company, the Corporate Governance and the ways how to strenthen the protection of shareholders through civil litigation. Therefore,the authors put forward some suggestions to the modification of the Company Law of PRC in order to improve our company system.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics