
面动脉穿支蒂鼻唇沟-鼻旁推进皮瓣修复内眦及内下睑皮肤缺损 被引量:7

Using the facial artery perforator-based nasolabial para-nasal advanced flap to repair the medial canthus and inner lower eyelid skin defects
摘要 目的探讨应用面动脉穿支蒂鼻唇沟-鼻旁推进皮瓣滑行修复内眦及内下睑皮肤缺损的手术方法和临床效果。方法福建医科大学附属第二医院整形外科收治内眦及内下睑皮肤肿瘤切除后皮肤缺损患者18例,男12例,女6例,年龄41~86岁。采用由面动脉供血的鼻唇沟-鼻旁穿支皮瓣滑行推进修复。结果本组18例皮瓣全部成活,内眦或内下睑皮损区、鼻唇沟供瓣区伤口均一期闭合,修复内眦及下睑形态满意,皮瓣无臃肿,皮瓣颜色、质地与邻近组织相近,无需二次修复;供区缝合后伤口恰为鼻唇沟皮纹,基本不影响外观。结论鼻唇沟-鼻旁穿支皮瓣取材方便、血供可靠、转移灵活、切取后移动范围大,易于滑行推进至内下睑及内眦,修复该处皮损,且效果良好。 Objective To discuss the surgical method and clinical effect of applying the facial artery perforator-based nasolabial para-nasal advanced flap to repair the medial canthus and inner lower eyelid skin defects. Methods The advance nasolabial para-nasal perforator flap supplied by facial artery, was used to repair the medial canthus and inner lower eyelid skin defects, caused by dermatoma excision. Results All 18 flaps completely survived. The detects in the medial canthus andinner lower eyelid, and the donor sites in the nasolabial fold were primary healed.The medial canthus and inner lower eyelid were recovery satisfactorily.The flaps were not bloated, and the contour and texture of flaps were similar to adjacent tissue, with no need of secondary repair.The donor site was successfully hidden in the nasolabial dermatoglyph. Conclusions Nasolabial para-nasal perforator flap is easily obtained, reliable in blood supply, and flexible in transfer. It has a wide range of movement and is easy to advance, so as to repair medial canthus andinner lower eyelid defect. With above advantages, this flap is worthy towidely popularize.
作者 王朝阳 林新恭 周仙颖 吴诗权 吴友谊 朱世泽 Wang Chaoyang;Lin Xingong;Zhou Xianying;Wu Shiquan;Wu Youyi;Zhu Shize(Plastic Surgery Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University,Quanzhou 362000,China)
出处 《中华整形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期49-52,共4页 Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery
关键词 外科皮瓣 穿支皮瓣 修复重建 内眦缺损 下睑缺损 Surgical flaps Perforator flap Reconstruction Medial canthus defect(Inner canthus defect) lower eyelid defect
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