分析了ISO/IEC 30163《物联网基于物联网/传感网技术面向动产质押监管集成平台的系统要求》国际标准的背景、进度安排、技术内容和创新点及对产业的影响。详细描述了基于物联网或传感网技术面向动产质押监管集成平台的系统要求,能对动产质押进行实时、按需、连续的监管追踪,为业务相关方提供有关动产质押的透明信息,有效遏制金融欺诈行为,维护动产持有企业的利益,大大降低金融机构所承担的不必要的高风险。
This paper introduces the development progress of international standard ISO/IEC 30163,including its background,scheduling,main content,technical innovation as well as its impact on industry.It specifies the system requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting services,which achieves the real-time,on-demand,continual chattel asset monitoring and tracking.It provides information transparency for stakeholders in financial transactions of chattel mortgage,which prevents fraudulent activities,protects the legal rights of the chattel asset owner and reduces unnecessary high risks born by the financial institutions.
Information Technology & Standardization