
云南省助产人力资源需求预测研究 被引量:7

A study on the predictability of midwifery workforce demand in Yunnan province
摘要 目的运用"分娩率加权法"预测助产人力资源需求量,为规划及建设助产士队伍提供依据。 方法采用方便抽样方法,调查云南省9家医院2017年9—12月连续4个月所有进入产房进行分娩的8 435例产妇病例信息,利用"分娩率加权法"计算各医院助产士需求量,并运用"分娩率加权法"计算各医院中的产妇类型和各类型产妇所需的助产服务时数。运用描述性分析等统计学方法分析相关数据。 结果产妇被分为5个类型,各医院产妇的类型分布相似;类型级别越高的产妇,其需要的助产服务时间越长;9家医院平均分娩率为(194.22±44.84)例/(年·助产士);2家三级医院现有助产士数量明显不足,7家二级医院现有助产士人数等于或多于预测的助产士人数。 结论云南省助产士工作负荷普遍较大,特别是二级医院助产士需承担大量非助产工作。"分娩率加权法"能够基于我国助产士工作现状,科学合理地反映助产工作负荷。但在进行助产人力资源需求预测时,还需进一步了解各医院助产士在产时助产服务占临床工作的比例。 Objective To evaluate the demand for midwives in Yunnan province utilizing Birthrate Plus for planning and development of such workforce. Methods A convenient sample method was used to investigate 8 435 maternal cases at 9 hospitals in Yunnan province in four months from 9-12 in 2017, and Birthrate Plus was used to calculate the demand for midwifery at each hospital. We also analyzed the two core elements of Birthrate Plus- maternal category allocation and midwife hours of each hospital. Results Maternal cases fall into five categories and maternal category allocation in hospitals is roughly the same;Maternal in higher category tended to need longer midwife hours;the average birthrate of 9 hospitals was (194.22±44.84)case/(year·midwife). The number of midwives in two tertiary hospitals is obviously insufficient. Midwives at 7 secondary hospitals are more than predicted. Conclusions Midwives in Yunnan are generally faced with a large workload, especially at secondary hospitals, and midwives need to bear numerous non-midwifery workload beyond Birthrate Plus. Therefore, the Birthrate Plus can reflect the midwifery workload scientifically and reasonably in the current situation of midwifery work. But the predication for midwifery workforce requires a study of the ratio of midwifery work in the entire clinical work of the hospital.
作者 周楠 杨明晖 李洁 朱秀 侯睿 任利华 陆虹 Zhou Nan;Yang Minghui;Li Jie;Zhu Xiu;Hou Rui;Ren Lihua;Lu Hong(School of Nursing,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China;Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650032,China)
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期110-113,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
基金 联合国儿童基金会项目(5.MCH-MIS Establishment).
关键词 卫生人力 助产士 需求预测 分娩率加权法 云南省 Health manpower Midwife Demand forecast Birthrate Plus Yunnan
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