
轨道车辆操纵台面优化设计 被引量:1

Optimization design of rail vehicle console
摘要 针对现有轨道车辆操纵台布置存在的问题,文章提出模块化布置和多层面板结构的优化设计,在解决了司机操纵不便、电气设备维护检修不便等问题的同时,也为后续操纵台设计提供了借鉴。 Aiming at the existing problems of the arrangement of rail vehicle console, this paper proposes the modular layout and optimization design of the multi-layer panel structure. It solves the problems of inconvenience in operation and maintenance for electrical equipment, and also provides reference for the future design of console.
作者 尹菲 龙源 袁新辉 YIN Fei;LONG Yuan;YUAN Xin-hui(CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co.,Ltd.,Zhuzhou 412001,China)
出处 《电力机车与城轨车辆》 2019年第1期51-52,55,共3页 Electric Locomotives & Mass Transit Vehicles
关键词 轨道车辆 操纵台 模块化设计 多层面板 rail vehicle console modular design multi-layer panel
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