

Xiong Shili's Qian Kun Yan: A Rectification
摘要 熊十力的《乾坤衍》以孔子五十岁为界,将其一生分为早年、晚年两个时期,认为《周易》系孔子五十岁时所著;认为乾与坤是性、灵与质、能,是精神与物质的关系。在对《乾》《坤》两卦释义时,认为《乾》卦爻辞是对生命由隐而显、由显而盛的揭示,是庶民由受压迫、群起革命,最终消灭统治阶层,人人自由的描述;《坤》卦六五爻辞"黄裳",是下民群起革命、废除天子制度,天子之权与位为大众所共有的譬喻。这是误读,实际上,早在孔子诞生一百多年前,周王朝的贵族阶级就已经熟练运用《周易》决疑解难;乾、坤的属性是刚健与柔顺,象征对象为天与地、父与母等;《乾》卦六爻辞揭示的是"自强不息"的天道精神,《坤》卦六爻辞揭示的是"厚徳载物"的大地精神。在以上辨正的基础上,可以看出《乾坤衍》的失误在于,一是毫无根据地将孔子分为思想观念截然不同的早年、晚年两个时期;二是违背可靠史料,武断认定《周易》作者为孔子;三是不顾《乾》《坤》卦爻辞本义,随意作出庶民革命的释义,成为孔子倡导社会革命的学说。 Xiong Shili's Qian Kun Yah (《乾坤衍》)puts Confucius's 50years old as a dividing line for the two stages of his early and later periods,and believes that the Zhou Yi (《周易》)The Book of Change of Zhou Dynasty)was written by Confucius when he was 50.Xiong also holds that the relationship between qian and kun,between nature and soul,between and essence and energy are the ones of spirit and matter. When explaining the trigrams,qian and kun,Xiong believes that qian reveals the life from hidden to emerging,and from emerging to thriving,which means the oppressed mass rise to make revolution,and finally wipe out the ruling class to give freedom to everybody.The trigram of kun was depicted as that the lower people rise to make revolution and abolish the emperor system,while the masses own the power.Such viewpoints are rectified by this thesis,and the author believes that the Zhou Dynasty noble class already uses Zhou Yi to solve problems more than 100years before Confucius'birth.There three major mistakes in ~ian Kun Yah.Firstly,it is wrong to separate Confucian ideas into absolutely different periods.Secondly,Xiong asserts Confucius as the author of Zhou Yi without reliable historical data.Thirdly,Xiong neglected the true meaning of qian and kun trigrams to explain them for the meaning of revolution,as if Confucian teachings advocate social revolution.These misreading make,at a certain level,chaos to the healthy development of the studies of Confucianism and Yi Jing.
作者 周山 ZHOU Shah
机构地区 上海社会科学院
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期5-16,共12页 Academic Monthly
关键词 熊十力 乾坤衍 卦爻辞 周易 Xiong Shili Q.ian Kun Yah trigrams Zhou Yi
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