目的 :探讨人工气腹疗法对耐多药肺结核 (MDR PTB)的治疗价值。方法 :45例MDR PTB患者随机分为 :治疗组 2 3例 ,采用人工气腹疗法并抗结核药物治疗 ;对照组 2 2例 ,用单纯抗结核药物治疗。结果 :治疗 1a时 ,治疗组和对照组痰菌阴转率分别为 6 9.5 7% ,31.82 % ,病灶吸收率分别为 75 .0 % ,33.3% ,空洞闭合率分别为 78.2 6 % ,45 .45 % ,两组间差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。随访 1~ 3a ,治疗组和对照组细菌学复发率分别为 11.11% ,42 .86 %。结论 :人工气腹疗法是治疗MDR
Objective:To appraise the therapeutic effect of artificial pneumoperitoneum on multi drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis(MDR PTB). Methods:45 patients with MDR-PTB were randomly divided into group A, the artificial pneumoperitoneum group(23 cases,receiving both artificial pneumoperitoneum and antituberculotic drug therapy) and group B, the control group(22 cases,receiving antituberculotic drug therapy only). Results:After one year of treatment,69.57% of the sputa from patients in group A formerly positive for acid fast bacilli turned to be negative, while only 31.83% of the sputa from patients in group B did so, The rates of resolution of pulmonary foci ravealed by X ray in patients of group A and group B were 75% and 30%, respectively,while the rate of cavity closure was 78.26% in patients of group A and 45.45% in patients of group B?The diffenences of these parameters between the two groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). In a 1~3 year follow up study,the rates of reappearance of acid fast bacilli in sputa were found to be 11.11% and 42.86% in patients of group A and group B, respectively. Conclusion:Artificial pneumoperitoneum is a supplementary means for choice in the treatment of MDR PTB.
Herald of Medicine
Tuberculosis, pulmonary
Drug resistant