作为中国新文学的第一声“呐喊”,《狂人日记》在今天的深刻意义不仅在于对“家族制度和礼教”“吃人”本质的揭露和批判 ,也不仅在于对于“我也吃过人”的洞见 ,而在于对于“吃人者”全是被“吃”空了灵魂的揭示。鲁迅先生的“赎罪”意识是启蒙思想的具体体现 ,《狂人日记》作为中国新文学“启蒙文学”的性质不容怀疑。“救救孩子”,从“娘老子”着手是破坏 ,给孩子自主的灵魂是建设 。
Being the first 'Call' of neo vernacular literature in China, the far reaching significance of Diaries of the Maniac lies not only in the repudiation and unveiling of the 'slaughtering' nature of 'the feudal clan system and etiquette', not only in understanding the statement of 'I have slaughtered people' thoroughly either, but uncovering the 'empty' souls of the 'slaughterers' as well. Lu Xun's consciousness of atonement carries embodiment of the thought of 'the enlightenment campaign' in Chinese literature. It is no doubt that Diaries of the Maniac is the concrete nature of the enlightenment of neo literature. In this way, those things such as constructing the liberated souls of the children and rescuing them, or refusing the traditional parental viewpoints should become the main tasks of current literature in China.
Journal of Weinan Normal University