本文研究了白头翁对二甲肼(DMH) 诱发小鼠大肠癌的防治作用及其可能机理。结果发现白头翁醇提物组小鼠大肠癌发生率(63-6 % ) 较模型组(100 % ) 明显降低(P< 0 .05) ;白头翁各用药组大肠癌发生数目亦显著低于模型组(P< 0 .01) ,且大肠癌的病理进展较慢。各用药组小鼠红细胞SOD 活性和全血GSHPx 活性较模型组均有显著升高(P< 0 .05) ,各预防用药组PCNALI值亦低于模型组(P< 0 .05) 。提示白头翁不同提取物对DMH 诱发小鼠大肠癌均具有一定的防治作用,预防作用优于治疗作用,醇提物的作用较强。其机制与保护SOD、GSHPx 的活性以清除DMH
After discovering the antitumor effect on mice transplanted tumor of different extracts of Radix Pulsatillae (Baitouweng, BTW), this study was done further to observe their preventive and therapeutic effect of BTW on mice colorectal cancer model induced by dimethylhydrazine (DMH) and the mechanism was also explored preliminarily. Compared the DMH model group, the mice colorectal cancer incidence of BTW alcohol extract group and the number of tumors of all BTW treaded groups were decreased significantly. Furthermore, the activity of SOD in erythrocytes and GSH Px in blood of BTW treated groups mice were higher than that of DMH model mice. The PCNA LI of preventive groups were lower than that of model group.These show the different extracts of BTW have the preventive and therapeutic effect on mice colorectal cancer induced by DMH. And the preventive effect is better than the therapeutic effect, the alcohol extract is more effective. This may depend upon the effect of BTW on protecting the activity of SOD and GSH Px to scavenge free radicals in mice and inhibiting the proliferating activity of mucosal cells of large intestine.
Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica