在 2 0世纪有机化学的发展中 ,最重要的突破之一是不对称催化反应的研究成功 ,它作为手性技术应用于合成工业 ,尤其是涉及到人类健康的巨大市场而崛起的高科技产业———手性药物 ,倍受关注 .本文综述了对手性药物的认识和发展 ,并且参考最新文献和作者近期的研究工作 。
Chirotechnology is one of the most important emerging technologies in the pharmaceutical industries of recent years. The recognition of the importance of chiral materials in biological systems has made the production of enantiomerically pure chiral drugs a critical issue in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, its high scientific interest, the economic potential of chirotechnology is tremendous. This review with 13 references on the development of chiral drugs and strategy of chirotechnology is presented.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition