成书于先秦晚末的《吕氏春秋》是杂家的开山之作和代表作。它集先秦诸子之大成 ,对《周易》多有继承和改造之处。本文主要从辩证思维、指导思想、编纂宗旨、结构体系、中和之美、养生学等方面论述 ,以期寻绎出二书的承传嬗变关系。
Lü Shi Chun Qiu is the first and representative work of eclectics compiled in the end of pre_Qin years, which synthesized all previous teachings of the various schools of thought and their exponents during the time, bringing them to a higher level of development, with considerable succeeding and reforming of Zhou Yi. This paper tries to dig up this succeeding and development by examining their dialectical thoughts, guiding ideologies, aims of compiling, organization, beauty of mean and harmony, and vital power conservation.