用电势阶跃法和旋转圆盘电极法 (RDE)以及SEM和XRD测试手段 ,初步研究了光亮剂对氰化体系中银电沉积行为的影响 .研究表明 ,光亮剂的加入并未导致银电沉积成核机理的改变 ,但显著增强了镀液的微观平整效应 ,并且所得镀层的表观光滑程度明显改善 .
The effect of the brightener on the behavior of the silver electrodeposition in cyanide solution was studied by potentiostatically step and rotating dise electrode(RDE) as well as X_ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).It was found that the silver electrodeposition was not changed by the addition of the brightener to the fundarmental solution.But it apparently increased the solution's micro_leveling effection and remarkably improved the coating's surface lightness.The coating's orientation isn't changed by the addition of the brightener in the light of the XRD result.The effectivness of the brightener was also discussed by the half_wideth of the XRD.
Journal of Electrochemistry