以 1 5年生的半同胞家系马尾松子代林材料进行相关分析 ,结果表明 ,马尾松树高、胸径、产脂力、木材基本密度和管胞长度各性状之间 ,除产脂力与管胞长度的遗传相关呈负相关 (rg=- 0 .1 582 )外 ,其他均表现为正相关。按不同的定向选择目标 ,对马尾松半同胞家系 5个主要经济性状进行无约束综合指数选择分析 ,结果有 2 4号 (信珠 1 )和 3号 (平台 8)两个家系表现最为突出 。
The study on half sib familys experimental forest of 15 year old Massons pine show that there are obvious difference among height, DBH, resin yielding ability, wood specific gravity and tracheid length. At family level, the correlations between the 5 traits are positive except the correlation between resin yielding ability and tracheid length. Based on unconstrained compositive selection indexs, some families were found that would be most suitable for 4 type different demands planting.\;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province