本文通过2001年吉林省东、南部稻区瘟病发生、流行与危害情况,从土壤、气候、品种布 局、稻瘟病生理小种、栽培技术、发生区域等进行了分析,并提出了预测预报、选用抗病品种、优化 栽培与施肥技术和药剂防治等综合防治措施。
According to Happening and Spreading of Rice Blast of 2001 in The East and south District of Jilin Province we analyses the factors of soil, climate, varieties physical type of rice blast, cultivation, and spreading districts.And it gives mix-protection measures of prediction, using resisted varieties, fine cultivated methods, periodical fertilizing, and germicide protection.
Agriculture and Technology