在地形较为平坦的内蒙古锡林郭勒高原典型干草原草地上选择样区 ,借助于 L andsat卫星遥感影像 ,采用非监督分类的方法研究了不同时期典型干草原草地的退化与恢复特征 ,结果表明 ,近 2 0多年来 ,草地退化经历了从逐渐退化到严重退化 ,再到有所恢复的发展过程。从所选择的卫星影像的时相分析 ,若以 1973年为标准 ,则1987年草地退化最为严重 ,此时盐渍化草地面积也大 。
This is a pilot study of rangeland degradation in the Xilin Gol Plateau of Inner Mongolia of North China by using Landsat imagery. The plateau is relatively flat and temperate dry steppe is the main land cover. An unsupervised classification approach was used for the classification of the rangeland and for studying and better understanding rangeland degradation and reclamation in more than 20 years. The results showed that the rangeland degradation was very serious in 1987 compared to the rangeland development in 1973, and at this time saline grassland also covered a relatively large area. To some extent, it seemed there was some rangeland reclamation in 1996 compared to that of 1987.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
国家自然科学基金"用热点卫星数据研究地表的热点效应"(编号 :499710 5 9)资助项目