提出了一种新的适合于矢量量化技术的码书设计算法 ,它的主要思想是依据等误差准则和分区域收敛性质 ,对满足迭代终止条件的质心区域进行标记 ,以后不再对已标记区域进行迭代 ,每一步迭代执行基于分裂码字的改进LBG算法 .该算法简单 ,能极大地提高训练速度 ,并得到较低的失真 ,而且还适合于并行计算 .
In this paper,a novel codebook training algorithm suits for VQ technique is presented.The main idea of the algorithm is based on an equidistortion principle and apropertiy of local clustering convergence.During each iteration,an improved LBG algorithm based on code splitting is executed,in case a set of the nearest codebook vector is marked,the next iteration the set will no more be considered.The algorithm we presented has good qualities such as simple,quick speed,lower distortion and shut for parallel computation.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College(Natural Science)