椭圆曲线在密码学中有很多应用 ,因而计算一条椭圆曲线上的点的个数问题在密码学的应用上非常关键。本文主要介绍计算有限域上一条椭圆曲线的点的个数的 Satoh算法 ,进而利用该算法寻求安全椭圆曲线。本文还简单介绍利用 m athem
There are many important applications for elliptic curves in the cryptology,and counting points on elliptic curves is vital.This article introduces an algorithm on counting points of an elliptic curves of a defined field.Satoh Algorithm,and then trys to find a security elliptic curves in the algorithm.The article also introduces some methods to deal with the questions in the course of implementation.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)