根据实测数据建立具有个体差异的心脏模型 ,是精确求解心电正问题的关键之一 .本文首先在三维直角坐标系下 ,根据人体心室的实测几何数据 ,通过三次B样条插值获得心脏垂直于其长轴方向的层片边界 ,按照广义圆柱方法组织各个层片 ,建立符合个体差异的真实心脏心室参数边界模型 .然后对该边界模型进行离散 ,实现心室的空间堆叠法实体造型 .模型中每个元素具有规则性、无二义性和唯一性 .该建模方法具有输入参数少。
It is one of the necessities for the precise solution of the ECG forward problem to construct a individual ventricular model based on real measured data. To simulate the exciting propagation in the cardiac, the heart is usually divided into cubes or regular dodecahedrons and the access to every element should be determinate. The elements in spatial pile numeration method of solid modeling have the characteristics of regularity, non dualism and uniqueness, which exactly suit for the necessary of ECG forward problem. Under the well selected Cartesian coordinate of 3D space, based on real measured data, the individual heart model of parametric boundary representation is established, with the method of defining the slice boundary by 3 orders B spline interpolation and organizing the slices in the way of generalized cylinders. Then the boundary representation model is discretized to realize the spatial pile enumeration solid modeling. This model has the advantages of little input data and flexibility for element scale adjustment.
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 698710 2 7)
国家高性能计算基金资助项目 ( 992 18)