目的 :观察和评价弥可保对视神经挫伤的疗效。方法 :将 2 0例视神经挫伤病人随机分为二组 ,分别用弥可保注射液和尼可林注射液治疗一个月 ,比较两组间视力改善及视神经萎缩发生率。结果 :弥可保治疗组有效率为 70 % ,尼可林对照组有效率为 4 0 % ;视神经萎缩发生率分别为 30 %和 6 0 % ,两组差别具有显著性意义 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :弥可保治疗视神经挫伤安全有效 。
Objective:To evaluate the results of Methycobal combined with Glucocorticoids in the treatment of contusion of optic nerve.Method:20 patients with contusion of optic nerve were randomized into two groups and the each group was treated with Methycobal or Citicoline Sodium for one month respectively.Visual acuity and the incidence of optic atrophy were compared between the Methycobal and Citicoline Sodium groups.Results:Improvement of visual acuity was achieved 70% in the group treated with Methycobal and 40% in the controled group with Citicoline Sodium;the incidence of optic atrophy in the two groups was 30% and 60%,respectively(P=0 0375).Conclusion:Treatment with Methycobal is effective,safe and confirmative for contusion of optic nerve
Ophthalmology in China