分析了安徽省水旱灾害及其成因与特点 ,阐述了防洪减灾事业的可持续发展。防汛抗旱是基础性、公益性事业 ,应当优先发展 ,重点建设 ;要全面规划 ,标本兼治 ,综合治理 ;要开源节流 ,挖潜改造 ,实现水资源可持续利用 ;要强化防汛抗旱的非工程措施 ;要努力提高防汛抗灾的科技含量。
The causes and characteristics of flood and drought in Anhui Province are analyzed and the sustainable development of flood prevention and drought fighting are described As the basis and commonweal, the flood prevention and drought fighting should be developed preferentially and constructed in priority We should make a full layout, seek temporary and permanent resolution and control and prevent disasters in a comprehensive way We should also broaden sources of income and reducing expenditure, tap potentiality and reform and realize sustainable utilization of water resources It is suggested that the non engineering measures should be strengthened and the content of science and technology should be increased in flood prevention and drought fighting
Journal of Catastrophology