90年代以来 ,珠江三角洲网河区大部分水位站同级流量的洪水位普遍下降的同时 ,局部河段洪水位却异常壅高。根据收集的水位资料和多套航道平面测图进行对比分析研究 ,认为近年大规模的无序无度河道采沙这一人类活动是近年三角洲网河区局部河段洪水位异常壅高的主要原因。因此 。
In the 1990s, the flood water level was lower than before at most stations in the river network of the Pearl River delta under the same grade of runoff. But at some sections the situation was on the contrary, where flood water level rose exceptionally. It is a special and important phenomenon. Seen from the angle of river process, it is considered that excessive excavating sand from riverbed makes the phenomenon happen. For resolving this problem, it is suggested to pay attention to making the activity of excavating sand from the riverbed in reason and in order,and also to take it into account in the improvement of the eight outlets of the Pearl.
Tropical Geography
交通部 9 5重点科技项目二级子课题<珠江三角洲主要水道河床演变研究> ( 95 -0 8-0 1-5 3)资助