目的 :观察舒血宁合并氯氮平治疗慢性精神分裂症的临床疗效。方法 :随机将60例慢性精神分裂症患者分为单纯服氯氮平的对照组和舒血宁并用氯氮平的研究组各30例。2组患者均保持原服氯氮平剂量不变动。选用阴性症状评定量表(SANS) ,住院患者护士观察量表(NOSIE)和精神药物副反应量表(TESS)评定临床疗效和副反应。同时动态观察治疗4、8、12、16周的病情变化。结果 :加用舒血宁对慢性精神分裂症的阴性症状治疗后比治疗前有明显的疗效 ,SANS降分显著(P<0 05)。2组NOSIE评分比较有非常显著性差异(P<0 001)。并减少抗精神病药物的副反应。结论 :舒血宁并用氯氮平治疗慢性精神分裂症较单一氯氮平治疗效果好 ,副反应少。舒血宁是值得深入研究的一种新药。
Purpose: To observe the therapeutic effect of Shu Xuening and clozapine on chronic schizophrenia. Methods: 60 cases with this disease were put into 2 groups at random with 30 in the control group and 30 in the study group. The control group was given only clozapine but the study group was given both Shu Xuening and clozapine. The dosage of clozapine was kept unchanged for the two groups. The clinical curative effects and side reactions were evaluated through SANS, NOSIE and TESS. Meanwhile, the dynamic observation was made to the two groups to see the changes in patients' conditions after 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks of the treatment respectively. Results: Significant effects of Shu Xuening were shown after the treatments on improving the negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenia with SANS dropping down remarkably ( P<0.05 ). There was a significant difference in NOSIE evaluation score between the two groups ( P<0.001 ) And the side reaction from the anti-psychosis drugs was reduced, too. Conclusions: By application of clozapine and Shu Xuening together, better curative effects can be achieved in treating chronic schizophrenia with less side reaction. It is suggested that further study be given to Shu Xuening--a new type of medicine.
Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine