上海是我国社会经济发展中心 ,近 2 0年来 ,随着产业结构的调整 ,上海城市周边地区经济蒸蒸日上 ,但是随之而来的环境问题也日益严重 ,并呈现其鲜明的特点。分析上海城市周边地区的主要环境问题 ,结果表明该区大气污染有从市区向郊县转移的迹象 ;东部河口区及滨岸带水污染加剧 ,主要表现在重金属污染和营养盐所引发的赤潮问题相比过去都有增加的趋势 ,一些难降解的有机物 ,如多环芳烃的富积也愈发严重 ,研究区内的苊、蒽已经超出了ER -L和ISQV -low值 ,已具有潜在的不利的生物影响效应 ;另外 ,上海周边地区非点源污染问题也日益突出 ,其中畜禽尿粪污染、生活污染以及农药和化肥污染在非点源污染中更为显著。
Shanghai plays a key role in the social economic system of China. In the last 20 years, rapid progress has been made in this area. With the rapid readjustment of Shanghai's industrial structure, the economy in China shows an increasing trend. On the contrary, the environmental problems become serious with their own characteristics. This paper presents the dominant problems in the ambient area of Shanghai.The atmospheric pollution has transferring trail from inner city to suburbs, and water pollution in the east coastal zone of Shanghai grows serious, including the heavy metal pollution, and eutrophication caused by excessive inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as some organic contaminants resistant to degradation such as PAHs whose toxicity should be concerned . Some PAHs values have exceeded the ER-L and ISQV-low which may cause the latent biohazard. In addition,attentions should also be paid to nonpoint source pollution within the ambient area of Shanghai city, among which the domestic animal dejecta, living pollution, pesticide and fertilizer pollution are of importance. At the same time, proposals and countermeasures were presented in relevance to these problems.
Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
国家自然科学基金项目 (编号 :40 1310 2 0
4980 10 18)