长沙市东方红农场共有稻田蜘蛛 11科 2 9属 4 3种 ,其优势种为拟水狼蛛、食虫沟瘤蛛、八斑鞘腹蛛和锥腹肖蛸。在两类防治田的早稻田中 ,蜘蛛优势种没有更替 ,主要为拟水狼蛛和食虫沟瘤蛛 ;晚稻田中 ,蜘蛛优势种存在更替现象 ,并对这种更替现象作出了初步解释。在综防田和化防田中 ,蜘蛛种类和个体数量存在较大差异。
The field experiment about research had been carried out in Dong Fanghong Farm, Changsha, Hunan Province from May to November in 1999. A through investigation and study was made on species component, structure, and the dynamic characteristics of rice field spider community. The result of the research on community structure makes it clear that there are total 43 species 29 Genus 11 families of spider in the rice field. The dominant families are Lycosidae, Lingphiidae, Theridiidae and Terahnathidae and the dominant species are Pirata subpiraticus, Vmmeliata, insecticeps, Coleosoma simon and Tetragnatha maxillas. In the early rice field of the different types of fields, the dominant species of spiders haven't been altere, which are mainly Pirata subpiraticus and Vmmeliata insecticeps. In the late rice field, there exists replacement in the dominant species of spiders. A preliminary explaination was made for the alterative phenomenon. The species of spider and number of individual had great difference in IPM and chemical control ricefield. Key word:Ricefield spider;Community;Dominant;Alteration
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
国家自然科学基金资助重点项目 (3 983 0 0 40 )