少数民族道德是各少数民族在其历史发展的过程中逐渐形成起来的调整 其成员关系的行为准则,它对于确立和维护家庭、社会的生活秩序,保证家庭、社会的良性 运行和协调发展起着十分重要的作用,但也免不了有些惰性的、保守的力量,存在着消极的 影响。对于少数民族道德传统我们应批判地继承。
Morals of national minorities came into being in their developme nt to adjust relationship between members. Such regulations play an important ro le in family order and social order, in the running and harmonic development of family and society, some of which are inert and conservative, thus negative. And we must take a critical approach to these traditional morals of national minori ties.
Journal of Liuzhou Teachers College