针对上海地区流变性软土地基的特性及常规施工监测技术在时间域上所存在的观测数据局限和资料处理中的人为 因素而影响成果的准确性,难以达到全面施工信息反馈、及时指导施工的目的。该文通过工程实例,介绍了从采集 数据——数据处理——予测予报全自动监测的方法技术。实现工程施工监测的自动化。
As Shanghai has the behavior of theological soft soil foundation and common construction monitoring technology has existed limitation of observation data and results' accruacy in the data procession which influenced by the human factor,the purpose of all infomation timely feedback to instruct the site construction has been difficult to reach. The paper has introduced the method and technology of automatic monitoring from data collecting, data processing to forecasting through the case illustration to realize the automatic monitoring construction.