在环境问题日益受到社会关注的今天 ,环境研究者有必要从社会学和人文学科的角度来关注太湖的环境问题 .本文用“生活环境主义”的观点对近年来在太湖和日本琵琶湖畔实施的调查结果进行分析和比较 .得出的基本结论是 :两国虽然现代化的时间和经历不同 ,但居民的生活行为和地域环境变化都有密切的相互影响 .在人口稠密地区 ,只有充分重视生活经验—生活意识—生活行为—地域环境的演进和循环 ,从技术、经济。
Now, People have got to know the importance of the environment. Researchers in the environment field should realize the significances to observe the environment of Taihu Lake from the view of sociology and humanities. The author contrasts the facts and data collected by the author in the recent investigations in Lake Biwa, Japan and in Taihu Lake, China and then draws several conclusions: (1) Although Japan and China show different modernization paths, there are both close mutual actions between the human life and environment in the two countries. We can not resolve the environment problems in Taihu Basin entirely by only researching on the objective reality where the population density is so high. (2) To the residents in a certain area, sometimes, the environment exists exceeding its physical and chemical characters. People always notice how the environment influences their lives. So we have to consider this when we make policies of environment development and protection. (3) Even the residents are in a small place, their understandings to the environment problem are quite different, because there are obvious differences in their culture backgrounds and environment preferences. Clarifying these differences and the reasons that they forms is the first step to prevent the release of the contamination.
Journal of Lake Sciences