目的 探讨CTAKΦ介导的霍乱弧菌毒素基因水平转移。方法 用抗生素敏感试验筛选出几组基因水平转移试验组合的供、受体菌 ,以便于用抗性筛选来确定基因转移的情况。在这几组试验组合中分别用接合转移、上清水平转移、培养液水平转移的方法 ,检查供体菌将CTAKΦ的ARKR抗性转移给受体菌的能力。结果 供体菌FJ9712 9、DX2 9能通过多种转移方式 ,以很高的频率将CTAKΦ的ARKR 抗性转移给受体菌HK42、XJ93172、GD3188、776 3、5 6 9B和 940 0 1;而受体菌IEM10 1对CTAKΦ有一定的抗感染能力。
Objective To study the horizontal transfer of cholera toxin gene induced by CTAKΦ. Methods Bacterial strains were tested for the sensitivity to individual antibiotic with the disk diffusion technique to select several combinations of donation and acceptance strains for horizontal gene transfer. Several kinds of experiments were used to test the ability for donation strains to transfer the A RK R of CTAKΦ to acceptance strains. Results The donation strains FJ97129, DX29 transfered the A RK R of CTAKΦ to acceptance strains HK42, XJ93172, GD3188, 7763, 569B and 94001. However the acceptance strains IEM101 was resistant to infection of CTAKΦ. Conclusion The CTAKΦ can induce the horizontal transfer of cholera toxin gene. [
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology