柑桔白癞病是柑桔果实上的一种果皮病害 ,在果面形成白色点状、线状、分枝状、圆形、不规则形病斑 ,仅引起表皮层细胞坏死 .其病原菌被鉴定为胶孢刺盘孢 (ColletotrichumgloeosporioidesPenz ) ,柑桔砖格孢 (AlternariacitriEll etPierce)和可可球二孢 (BotryodiplodiatheobromaePat ) ,3种真菌可以单独或混合侵染 .田间貌似健康的病树是此病的重要菌源之一 .该病始于 5月中旬 ,7月上中旬为盛发期 .参试的 5个栽培柑桔品种 (种类 ) ,以朋娜脐橙抗病性最强 .果实套袋可以大大降低发病率 .石硫合剂对该病有较好的防治效果 ,达 6 0 % .
Citrus white scaled lesion is a disease producing white spotted, linear, branched, circular or irregular scaled lesions on peel, simply causing epidermal cells putrescence. The pathogens were identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz, Botryodiplodia theoboromae Pat. and Alternaria citri Ell.et Pierce, which infected citrus fruits independently or mixedly. The diseased trees in the field were an important resource of the pathogens. The disease started in the middle of May. The peak of infection was in the middle of July. The resistance of Pengnuo navel orange to the disease was the highest among the tested citrus species (varieties). The incidence of disease could be greatly decreased by covering fruits with bags. The better control efficiency (up to 60%) could be obtained by spraying lime sulfur.
Journal of South China Agricultural University
湖南省教委科技项目 !(97140B)