中国的历史是一部反分裂求统一的历史 ;中国的国情是发展不平衡的多民族和多种所有制并存的国情 ;当今的世界是全球化和多极化相统一的世界。通过以上三方面的分析既揭示了天下分久必合的规律性 ,同时又论证了邓小平提出的“一国两制”统一祖国的历史必然性。
The history of China is the one of opposiing dissentions and seeking unify;the basis national conditions of China is the one that the development is imbalance and multi-nation and multi-ownership coexist ;The world of today is the one of unity of globlation and multipole.The analysis of three sides not only reveal the dialectical law of dividing and combing of the world but also prove the historical inevitability of integrating motherland by the way of 'one nation,two systems.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi