理论创新是社会主义发展的不竭的思想动力 ,是中国共产党领导取得革命和建设胜利的宝贵经验。2 0世纪 ,中国共产党在社会主义实现的条件、社会主义的本质、社会主义的运行机制等方面对社会主义作出了巨大的贡献。 2 1世纪中国的社会主义要应对新的挑战 ,创造新的辉煌 ,必须进行理论创新。 2 1世纪也为社会主义的理论创新、社会主义的新发展提供了新的条件和空间。 2 1世纪社会主义理论创新的途径就是深入研究国际国内形势的新变化 ,社会主义建设的新实际 ;理论创新的主要内容就是按照“三个代表”的要求 。
The theoretical innovation is the endless motivation of think for the socialist development and is the precious experience of revalution and coustruction victories led by the Communist Party of China.In the 20th century the Communist Party of China made great contribution to the conditions for realizing socialism,the nature of socialism and socialism functioning system.In the 21st century,the China's socialism must carry out theoretical innovation while facing the new challenges and creating new victory.The new century has also provided the new conditions and space for the socialist theoretical innovation and the new development of socialism.In the 21st century the approach of socialist theoretical innovation is to deeply research on the new changes abroad and at home and the new practice of socialism construction.The main content of the theoretical inhovation is to enrich and develop the guiding thougt Deng Xiaoping's theory of socialist construction of modern China according to the 'Three Represents' theory'.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi