五国和约是二战后盟国处理战败国所签定的第一个、也是唯一一个成功的和约。缔结和约的前提主要有两个 :一、五国不是盟国战略计划中的重点 ;二、与德国相比 ,意、罗、保、匈、芬是附庸国 ,所犯的战争罪恶轻、缔约较容易。在缔约过程中 ,盟国主要在意属非洲殖民地、的里亚斯特港归属、罗、保、匈政府组成和战败国赔款等问题上展开斗争并最终达成妥协。五国和约的签订 ,其最重要的后果在于它为“杜鲁门主义”
The Five-Country Peace Treaties were the first as well as the only successful ones during the period when the Allies dealt with the defeated countries after World War II. The essay holds that there are two main premises in negotiating the Five-Counry Peace Treaties. The first one is that these five countries were not the main objects of negotiation in the Allies' strategic plan. The second is that, compared with Germany, these five countries were dependencies, so it was easy to nesotiate with them. During the period of negotiation, the four critical issues for the Allies were the Italian colonies in Africa, the belongingness of Trieste Port, the government rebuiding of Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary and the separations of the defeated countries. In the end, compromises were reached. The most important effect of the Five-Country Peace Treaties was that they offered an opportunity and excuse objectively for Truman Doctrine.
Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)