“主旋律文学”是一种文学命题 ,它包含着符合社会主义精神文明需求的主题内涵 ,强调丰富多彩的审美表现形态 ,主张“弘扬主旋律”与“提倡多样化”的相辅相成。“主旋律文学”是一种艺术原则 ,它呈现出规范性和主导性、道德自律性和意识形态化、宽容性和整合性等理性特征。“主旋律文学”作为一种创作存在 ,由于其最终价值目标是“中国先进文化的前进方向” ,而且在创作实际操作的可行性方面具有得天独厚的优势 。
Main Melody Literature' is a kind of literary subject,which meets the needs of the development of socialist culture and ideology ,emphasizes the diversity of aesthetic forms of expression and advocates the unity of 'recommending the main melody' and 'advocating variety'.'Main Melody Literature' is a kind of artistic discipline,which includes rational features such as regularity and guiding,moral self controlling and ideologizing,leniency and reorganizing Being an artistic existence,and with its final objective of value being 'representing the developing trend of advanced culture','Main Melody Literature' is definitely of great historical reasonability and realistic significance
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
湖南省 2 0 0 0年度"五个一工程"重点选题立项