

A Semantic Inquiry into the Scope of Western Ethics
摘要 乍看之下不成问题的西方伦理学的范围 ,细想之下却是一个需要慎思的问题。“西方”和“伦理学”各自向人们的理解力呈示多种语义。“西方”在现代汉语中现有四义 :地理西方、政治西方、经济西方和文化西方。而文化西方在西方历史的远古、中古、近代和现代所指不同。各个时期的文化西方所指涉的地域应当综合加以考虑。西方哲学家们对“伦理学”的理解是多式多样的 ,大体可归为四类 :第一类可称为亚里斯多德式 ,属于道德规范论或德性论 ;第二类可称为芝诺—伊壁鸠鲁式 ,属于人生哲学 ;第三类可称为康德式 ,属于道德形上学 ;第四类可称为摩尔式 ,属于道德语言学。其中第一类理解占主导地位。这四类理解应当被兼顾。基于对“西方”和“伦理学”的语义分析 ,西方伦理学的范围严格地被界定。就范围而言 ,西方伦理学史不等于欧洲伦理学史 ,不限于西方哲学伦理学史 。 The scope of western ethics, unquestionable at first glance, is in reconsideration but a question in claim for deliberation Both West and Ethics show several meanings to our understanding In modern Chinese, West admits now of four meanings, i e the west in geography, in politics, in economy, and in culture Different areas are meant by the cultural west in the ancient, mediaeval, modern and contemporary times of western history, and the diachronically different west in culture should therefore be considered as a whole The multiform explanation of Ethics by western philosophers may be in principle arranged in four types as follows: (1) Aristotelian, belonging to the theory of moral norms or of virtues, (2) Zenonian-Epicurean, to philosophy of life, (3) Kantian, to metaphysics of morals, and (4) Moorean, to linguistics of morals, of which the first takes the leading position All these types should be paid attention to together Based on the semantic analysis of West and Ethics , the scope of western ethics is strictly demarcated In view of scope, the history of western ethics is unequal to that of European ethics, unconfined to that of western philosophical ethics, and different from that of western morals
作者 杨方
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 北大核心 2002年第1期10-17,共8页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 西方伦理学 语义分析 伦理学对象 欧洲 伦理学史 元伦理学 康德 道德形上学 西委威克 《伦理学方法》 语义学 western ethics scope semantic analysis cultural west object of ethics
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