The sustained utilization of renewed resources is the foundation for hu-man existence and social development. Since in the early 1970s, there occurred thecrisis of energy resource, the value of forest resources have become more and moreclear to people. It is emphatically suggested that the principles of sustained utilizationmust be adhered to when emphasis is placed on the utilization of forest resources.However, in sustained forest utilization, each country has its own particular prob-lems to tackle. In China and India, much attention is paid to afforestation, but lessattention paid to the management of existing forests leads to the decrease of soil fertil-ity in the forests. The calculation by the India n Agricultural Coucil shows that theforest productivity in India is only 1 / 20 of that in the European countries. In com-parison with the domestic potential forest productivity, it is only 1 / 10 of the latterin India. Hence, the sustained utilization of forest resources can be realized only bylarge scale promotion of the forest productivity. Except a few countries like Chinaand India, in most of other countries forest resources are not under the excessive load of timber production and fuelwood gathering, and have not faced a crisis. Inthe developed countries, the forests give an average annual yield of timber andfuelwood of 1.19m^3, while in the developing countries it is only 0.55m^3. In view ofthe present situation, the cause that the developing countries cannot apply the prin-ciple of sustained utilization to the forest management is not simply the technology,there also exist the problems of politics, economics and social involvement. In thehigh levels of sustained forest utilization in the developing countries, highest priori-ty is set on the promotion of forest productivity. In Germany effort is being made toregulate the species structure and tree age structure of forests, so that the forestsmay be near a natural forest state, more amenable to the requirements of ecologicenvironment, and the forests may h
World Forestry Research