本文通过简要介绍洛克在《人类理解论》一书中关于心灵和物体 (即精神实体和物质实体 )的本质属性及它们之间相互关系的主张 ,力图揭示洛克在心身关系问题上由于受经验论的影响一方面陷入二元论与交感论的矛盾之中 ,另一方面又表现出动摇于一元论与二元论之间所带来的有利于西方心身学说向前发展的倾向 。
Through a brief introduction to Lock's opinions concerning the essential quality between mind and body and their relationship (expounded in his 'On Human comprehension'), the article intends to reveal Lock's dilemma on the relationship between mind and body owing to the influence by empiricism: on the one hand, he falls into a contradiction between dualism and sympathin; on the other hand, he is wavering between monism and dualism in such a way that it has caused a forward tendency to the western theory of mind and body so as to enable a proper mastery of this theory.