我国的现有医疗影像设备的接口种类繁杂 ,只是部分较先进的设备才具有标准数字接口。为了将这些设备接入PACS ,需要将从现有设备中获取的图像转换为DICOM3 0格式 ,并赋予其DICOM标准中的某种角色 ,以利于实现PACS等网络的建设。本文提出了一种实现DICOM标准化的可行技术。
The interfaces of our country's current medical devices are different from each other.Only part advanced devices have standard digital interfaces.In order to connect these devices to PACS,it is necessary to transform images obtained from existing equipment into images of DICOM 3 0 format,and attribute to them some role of DICOM standard in order to facilitate construction of network like PACS,etc.A feasible technique to implement standardization of DICOM is proposed here.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering