
黄瓜数量性状的相关分析与选择 被引量:2

Correlation Analysis and Selection of Quantitative Characters in Cucumber
摘要 以11个不同遗传型的黄瓜自交系为试材 ,研究了9个与产量有关的数量性状间的相关性以及利用这些相关性对单株产量实施间接选择的方法。结果表明 :在本试验群体中 ,利用总平均单瓜重、座果率、节间长、主蔓20节内雌花节数、再生雌花节数5个与单株产量相关极显著的性状进行间接选择 ,效果较好。利用单一副性状对单株产量进行间接选择 ,最高相对效率为106.12 % ,利用不同性状构成9种选择指数对单株产量进行间接选择 ,最高相对效率为130.71 %。 cucumber inbred lines were taken as materials to study the correlation among 9 quantitative characters so as to find an efficient method of selecting high yield plant. Results suggested: number of pistil late flower joints of main vine below 20th joint (x2), number of reborn pistil late flower joints (x3), fruit-set rate (x6), per fruit weight (x7) and length of vine between two joints (x9) were most closely related to the yield per plant. Superior yield could be gotten more easily through indirect selection by 5 characters above than though direct selection. The highest relative efficiency of indirect selection was 106.21% by per fruit weight. Selection index composed of several characters was even more efficient on selecting high yield vsariety or predicting genetic capability of high yield of a variety or plant. And the relative efficiency of selection index designed in the experiment ranged from 101.07% to 130.71%.
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期257-262,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
关键词 黄瓜 数量性状 相关选择 相关分析 产量 选择指数 cucumber quantitative character correlation selection
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