20 0 0年从国内外引进麻楝属树种 1 0个种源的种子 ,并在福建南部国有岩溪林场进行了苗期试验 ,观测了 1 0天时种子发芽、6个月时苗高和地径生长情况。试验结果表明 :从参加分析的 8个种源苗生长指标比较看 ,来自缅甸的LedagyiLeway种源 2 0 1 0 0最好 ,来自澳大利亚昆士兰Atherton种源 2 0 1 86、越南HoaBinh种源 2 0 0 33、中国海南省尖峰岭种源 2 0 0 31和越南SonLa种源 2 0 0 34次之 ,而种源 2 0 1 1 7,2 0 1 1 8和 2 0 0 99较差。另外 ,马来西亚UluTranan种源 2 0 1 2 4移苗后的保存率尽管较低 ,但其苗木的生长量较高 ,需要进一步引种测试。同时 ,依据国内外麻楝人工林生长和材性等资料 ,分析和讨论了麻楝在我国华南地区的发展潜力。
In 2000, the seeds of 8 seedlots of Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss and 2 seedlots of C. velutina (M.Roemer) C. DC. were introduced into China, and an experiment was established in nursery at Yanxi State Forest Farm, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China, which was empolyed as a Complete Randomized Block, with 4 block, 20~50 seedlings per plot.Observe seed germination at 15 days after sowing, and measured seedling height and diameter at ground level at 6 months old. The results showed that there were significant differences in seedling growth between the 8 seedlots, and the seedlot 20100 (Ledagyi Leway, Myanmar) was best, the seedlot 20186 (Atherton, QLD, Australia), 20033(Hoa Binh, Vietnam), 20031(Jianfengling,Hainan, China) and 20034(Son La, Vietnam) were better, but the seedlot 20117, 20118 and 20099 were worse in height and diameter. Although the survival of seedlot 20124 (Ulu Tranan, Malaysia) seedlings after transplanting were poor, their height and diameter were bigger, which would be necessary further to test in experiments. Meanwhile, based on data in growth and wood properties collected from many references and measured in southern China, analyzed and discussed development potential of Chukrasia spp. as plantation species in southern China.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
Chukrasia,Provenance,Seedlings,development potential