介绍了乙炔的燃爆性能 ,并在试验的基础上 ,分析了乙炔浓度、冲击波发生器与发射器的面积比对燃爆压力的影响。该技术已成功地应用在电站锅炉的受热面吹灰上 ,具有性能可靠、维护方便、投资少的特点 ,可大幅度降低排烟温度 ,提高锅炉热效率 。
This paper introduces the detonating characteristics of acetylene, based on the experimental, analyses the influence of acetylene concentration and the ratio shock-wave producer area to emitter area on detonating pressure. This technology has been successfully applied in utility boiler soot-blower, features reliable performance, easy maintenance, low initial investment, greatly reducing flue gas temperature, and increased boiler thermal efficiency, with remarkable energy saving benefit gained. Key word Acetylene Detonating characteristics Shock wave Soot-blower
Shandong Electric Power