The intraocular pressure(IOP)course during the first months after implantation of GNY 515-model elastic silicone posterior chamber lenses (PC-IOL)without the use of viscoelastic was observed consecutively.The results showed as follows:
1 The IOP increase in the first day after IOL operation was sta-tistically significant(P<0.05).The mean of IOP was 2.87±1.303 kpa.
The IOP after following that was gradually decreased.This change was not statistically significant(P>0.05).The IOP approximated to the
preoperative level after two weeks.Intraocular hypertension was occu-
rred postoperatively within seven days.most of that in the first day.
2 The comparison of IOP between intraocular lenses implantation
and extracapsular cataract extraction(ECCE)were not statistically sig-
nificant(P>0.05)in same period.
3 The comparison of the corneal edema between GNY 515-model
elastic silicone PC-IOL implantaion and ECCE was not statistically si-
gnificant(P>0.05).Inflammation after PC-IOL implantation was obv-
ious.but the inflammation was well controlled with steroid witin three
4 Owing to use of Diamox in the immediate postoperative period.The
undue IOP increase might be avoided and the IOP reduce early to the
preoperative level.The intraocular hypertension was well controlled with