目的 了解188Re 硫化铼对关节炎性滑膜炎的治疗作用。方法 2 0只经抗原诱导制备的兔关节滑膜炎模型 ,关节腔内注入不同剂量 (7.4~ 37.0MBq)的188Re 硫化铼 ,观察其滑膜及滑膜下软骨的病理变化。另对 7例血友病性关节炎患者的 10个关节进行了188Re 硫化铼放射性滑膜切除术 ,并在治疗前后作MR显像以判断疗效。结果 病理检查示 ,14.8MBq放射性剂量以上的188Re 硫化铼对兔关节炎滑膜切除有效 ,使增厚的滑膜变薄 ,炎性细胞减少 ,但不损伤软骨 ;剂量达到 37.0MBq ,不但滑膜组织中结缔组织和脂肪组织变性 ,而且软骨也有一定程度的损伤。188Re 硫化铼能减少病变关节腔内出血次数。MR显像示 ,关节内增生绒毛减少 ,水肿减轻。结论 188Re 硫化铼能有效地对炎性滑膜进行放射性切除 ,在血友病性关节炎中能减轻关节症状和减少关节腔内出血次数。
Objective To study the effectiveness of radiation synovectomy with 188 Re-sulfide. Methods Twenty rabbit models of joint synovitis were injected intra-articularly with different doses of 188 Re-sulfide from 7.4 to 37.0 MBq. By pathological examination, the effects of 188 Re-sulfide on synovium and cartilage were evaluated. Clinically, 10 joints of 7 cases of hemophilic arthritis with 188 Re-sulfide radiation synovectomy were performed. MRI was taken before and after the synovectomy to evaluate the treatment effects. Results In rabbit models, when 188 Re-sulfide dose larger than 14.8?MBq,the radiation effect on synovitis was remarkable, including thinning the thickened synovium and reducing the inflammatory cells. When radio-activity dose increased to 37.0 MBq, pathological damage was noted in cartilage. Clinical trial demonstrated that radiation synovectomy by 188 Re-sulfide could reduce the frequencies of intra-articular hemorrhage. MRI showed that edema and villi reduced. Conclusions Radiation synovectomy using 188 Re-sulfide is effective on synovitis in hemophilic arthritis.
Chinese Journal of Hematology
卫生部科研基金资助项目 ( 98 2 310 )