Coal bed gas preserved in the micro -f ractures or micro -rifts as absorbed status.coal -bed is source rock of co al bed gas,and also reservoir of coal bed ga s.The fracture will caused anisotro pism of coal -bed.Based on the theory of shear -wave split:shear -wave through into medi um of anisotropism will splited two s hear -waves which polarized directi ons nearly cross in right angle,that are fast shear -wav e which spread direction paralleled to fracture direction and slow shear-ware which spread direction perpendicular to fractur e direction.The paper has introduce d achievements on test in laboratory and field of shear -wave split caused by coal -bed fracture.S howing that is feasible to survey coa l -bed fractures with transformed sh ear -wave.Finally the paper predicted developed scope and direction of coal -bed fractures.
Coal Geology of China