本文以台湾花卉苗木产业的发展为研究个案 ,探讨商品作物全球化的趋势下农业区域的新意义。台湾的花卉苗木产业崛起于 196 0年代末期 ,而于 1990年代后期面临生产过剩危机。缓解危机的出路 ,一方面是产品结构向耐储运产品 (盆花与苗木类 )转移 ,另一方面生产与贸易向大陆内需市场转移 ,使台湾花卉苗木业者藉先发者的生产技术与通路优势 ,以跨界生产网络再结构其自身 ,也将台湾花卉产业进一步地镶嵌在更复杂、更动态、更不确定的全球经济的竞争中 。
As 'globalization' has become a common and controversial term in academic debates, this paper intends to discuss how global economy challenges the definition of agricultural regions and its governance. Taiwan's green industry is taken as an instance because its restructuring process typically reflects changes of production and trade of economic plants in the globalizing economy. The restructuring process of Taiwan's green industry, that rose with cut flowers in the late 1960s and depending on the domestic and the nearby foreign markets, has emerged since the mid-1990s for responding the crisis of over-production affected by the shrinkage of the markets. Shifting from cut flowers to potted flowers, live plants and seedlings, that are more durable during transporting, is the facial characteristic of this restructuring, yet it is a complicated process made up of the progress of production and distribution technology, financial liberalization, and new markets arising, where China's Mainland is the most influential one. Via segmentation of production process over different places, a new form of cross-border production-and-trade networks is being made. This implies a deep challenge on the conventional governance of agricultural regions since they are no longer geographically homogeneous landscapes under the control of the nation state but have become contested segments in the cross-border networks in the globalizing economy.
World Regional Studies