近年完成的 1∶5万禄丰幅、段七村幅、洼垤街幅区测成果 ,否定易门小街向斜及其核部禄表组的存在。段七村幅明确提出柳坝塘组底部细砾岩以微弱不整合覆于黑山头段之上 ,将该组原有的底部含铁砾岩贫铁矿层改划为澄江组 ,以不整合覆于柳坝塘组之上 ;洼垤街幅对石屏黄草岭组有新的认识 ,除保留原有黄草岭组外 ,对其下部含黄铁矿 (马鞍山 )和铅锌铜矿化 (黄沙厂 )的含碳酸盐岩地层 ,另新建车家城组、热水塘组 ,为滇中区下亚群出露的最低层位。这些成果 ,对将小街剖面建立的美党组之上的岔河组、清水沟组向东川、禄劝、安宁、晋宁、石屏等地对比推广 。
The Xiaojie geosyncline of Yimen and Lubiao Formation in its core are negated by the regional geological surveying results of 1∶50 000 Lufeng, Duanqicun and Wazhijie sheets completed in recent years. In the Duanqicun sheet, it is pointed out definitely that the base fine conglomerate of Liubatang Formation is weakly unconformable over the Heishantou Member. And the original coose Fe ore bed in base Fe-bearing conglomerate of this Formation has been redivided into the Chengjiang Formation, which is unconformable over the Liubatang Formation. In Wazhijie sheet, a new knowledge of Huangcaoling Formation in Shiping has been got, ie, the pyrite-bearing(Maanshan) and Pb-Zn-Cu metallized(Huangshachang)carbonate rock bed in its lower part is a new set up separately as Chejiacheng Formation and Reshuitang Formation, which are the lowest horizons of the outcropped Lower Sub-Group in Central Yunnan. According to these results, it is in doubt whether the Chahe formation, Qingshuigou Formation over the Meidang Formation set up in Xiaojie section could be correlated and extensive towards Dongchuan, Luquan, Anning, Jinning and Shiping, etc.
Yunnan Geology
Kunyang Group
Stratigraphic Sequence
Stratigraphic Correlation