野生亚麻是优异的种质资源 ,由于其种子具有较强的休眠性 ,用常规方法繁殖难度较大 ,本试验利用组织培养方法 ,通过对实生苗幼嫩的茎杆及叶片诱导愈伤组织再分化成苗的途径 ,对野生亚麻的试管苗扩繁进行了研究 ,获得了一定数量的野生亚麻再生无根苗。研究结果表明 ,野生亚麻愈伤分化成苗对培养基的选择性不强 。
Wild Flax is very difficult to be propagated successfully by conventional methods because of its deeply-dormancy.By inducing calli from younger stem and leaves of seedling and the differentiating plantlets,we have obtained some plantlets.The results indicated that the media does not affect strongly the efficiency of plant regeneration from calli;and tissue culture is one of efficient approaches to propagating wild Flax.
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